The rules to the improv game “Sell a Blank to a Blank” are deceptively simple. One person is the seller, and the other person is the buyer. The seller has to sell a random object to the buyer, who has a random personality trait. To …
Read MoreDebunking the Myth of YES AND
If you’ve ever taken an improv class, you’ve probably heard the golden rule of “yes and”. It means you accept whatever your scene partner offers you and build on it. For example, if they say “We’re on a spaceship”, you don’t say “No, we’re not, …
Read MoreHow to Become a Better Speaker in One Minute or Less
The mother of Improv Viola Spolin said, “If you have a problem, there’s a game to solve it. And if there isn’t a game, invent one!” As a public speaking coach, I use the Sponto Time card deck in my consults to help executives with …
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